Finding a bridesmaid dress that all of your bridal party is happy with (and looks hot in) can be a struggle. Feelings and expectations get involved, and the whole process can go downhill fast. Today we’ve rounded up some tips that will keep everyone cool, calm, and collected looking their best on your wedding day.

Have a Vision

Go into the process with a vision of how you’d like your bridesmaid to look. Consider your bridesmaid dress philosophy:

  • My Way Or The Highway - All the dresses will be the same style and color.

  • Options Options Options - Dresses are the same exact color, but the bridesmaids can choose a style that fits them.

  • Color Scheme - All dresses will be in the same general color scheme, something broad like Green or Blue, but can be different styles.

  • You Can Have Whatever You Like - You do you, babe. Wear what you want but within reason.

Be Prepared

Make sure bridesmaids know what to bring on try on day. recommends:

  • Undergarments they’ll be wearing on the wedding day (or something like it).

  • A few different shoe options, so they can see what looks best.

  • Body shapers (if that’s their thing).

  • Hair clips or ties, so they can try a few different styles and get a better idea of how it’ll pair with the dress.

  • Get dolled up (whatever that means for them) for the same reason as the above. It’ll help them get a better picture of how they’ll look on the wedding day.

Coordinate Schedules

Try your best to coordinate schedules so that all of your bridal party can be involved. Everyone being together in one place and able to contribute will help ease any feelings of not being heard.

Be Realistic

If all of your bridesmaids are fresh out of college, a $300 dress might be a financial stretch for them (especially because they’ll probably never wear this dress again), so be realistic and considerate.

Be Kind

Bridesmaids can get a little weird around dress shopping, and some of that is unfounded but, some weirdness or bad attitudes may be coming from a deeper place. Shopping, especially for a dress that you’ll be on display and photographed in all day, can be tough for people with body insecurities. If your bridesmaids are feeling insecure and like their opinions aren’t being considered, tensions can arise. Now we’re not recommending you change your plan to accommodate whatever they’d like to wear (it is your wedding after all), but be kind. Choose inclusive dress companies, consider styles that look good on different bodies, and talk it out. At the end of the day, these are people you love.

Have Fun

Remember that this is supposed to be a fun experience! Pop a bottle of champagne or do a little fashion show. This, like many other parts of the wedding planning process, should be a memory you can look back on fondly.


Do you have any tips on surviving bridesmaid dress shopping?

